Love Light Energy Healing
Where all beautiful light souls are welcome!

Hello unique and beautiful light soul, welcome to my website! My name is Nadine, but my soul name, given to me by my angels is Royit. Which translates into Red.
Near Death Experiences, Angel Visitations, Astral Travels, and receiving messages from the Light, have lead me on a path less travelled. I've been on a challenging but wondrous spiritual journey, with highs and lows over the years. But I've since understood that the lows were there to help prepare me for the highs. So I've learned to accept the entire journey.
I feel blessed to have received many messages from light beings. Their inspirational messages and unconditional love have completely transformed my life and healed many aspects of it, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Now I wish nothing more than to pass along their wisdom, kindness, hope and love to others. I've thoroughly accepted this as my life purpose. Unconditional love truly has the power to heal us all. It did for me, so I know it has the power to transform you as well.
To hear more about my NDE, spiritual experiences, Angels, Mother Earth, or my Energy Healing and Spiritual Coaching services, please click on the appropriate tab at the very top. Thank you!